
LED lighting has become the LED industry fastest growth in most markets

Since the 21st century, the world main countries and regions give enough attention to the LED industry,and making the LED industry development planning. From a global production base distribution, Europe and the United States accounted for about 20% of production capacity, mainly to provide advanced products; Asia occupies about 80% of the global production capacity, as the major production base. In Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, China Taiwan and mainland China that "six gold flower" will continue to handle the most important lifeblood of the global LED industry. Our country gradually grow into the world's largest production base in the middle and lower reaches of LED products Module Street Lamp, producing 65% of the world's LED application products, and has 70% the number of the world's packaging companies.

Led-backlit penetration in large size liquid crystal display is saturated.The future will come into a period of steady growth. As domestic LED chip and backlit LED packaging technology, domestic product price advantage, and close to the customer, timely service advantage has become increasingly apparent.Taiwan and Japan and South Korea before the backlight manufacturers monopoly market structure is broken.The domestic manufacturer's market share is expected to be improved.

LED lighting has become the LED industry fastest growth in most markets. LED outdoor lighting costs compared with the traditional lamps and lanterns is generally low, and the advantages of energy saving is increasingly significant, under massive government tenders, etc policy driven has entered a rapid development period. LED indoor lighting products with 2-3 years before prices fell sharply, has entered the "sweet spot" at present, the future space and possibility is not big.The big drop will enter a steady or slightly down. Price stabilization and demand rapid increase, the investment value of LED industry, we estimate the popularity rate of LED lighting will be rising from 3% in 2012 to 50% in 2015. Burgeoning LED intelligent lighting market, the future will become the new growth point.

