LED lighting develop very well both in domestic and abroad development.A lot of people see the hope of the industry.Although the overall production capacity of China's are still excess,this doesn't cut to LED lighting market deeply enterprise the enthusiasm of the heart.
According to the results of the company finance years now, both foreign and domestic LED lighting enterprise don't increase profits income.Without income condition may continue to China LED lighting a mandatory standard. He believes that the current domestic no LED compulsive standard reason could be that the Chinese don't want to become cannon fodder in the eradication of domestic enterprises, also don't want to let these international companies occupied the market. Although local mandatory standard at present in a timely manner,80% of the world's LED production capacity in the Chinese market. For such a big a market, the standard of the late although for domestic enterprises improve production play a buffer role, will not give up the idea of foreign giants to enter the Chinese market. Accumulation of science and technology are energy stores, waiting to giant to compete with the world.
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Now the market of LED lighting there is such a view: "the critical point of the LED lighting industry is likely to be the market share reached 15%." Although China has not unified standard of LED lighting industry, but the market is still in the high speed development. China's current the LED bulb price compared with other areas, can be said to be fell to the bottom. According to the view of economics, in any one product in the market economic development has a own watershed, experts say the watershed is market share reached 15%. In other words, when the LED lighting on the market share of more than 15%, the share of the market for LED lighting will be rapidly expanded to 90%. But in the lighting market performance.